Three Indications It's Time for a New Suspension System

The suspension system in your vehicle works to absorb the motion of driving over bumps and rough surfaces so that it does not affect the cabin of your vehicle. If damaged, your suspension system will be unable to protect the rest of your vehicle from the stress associated with driving over bumps and uneven surfaces. Knowing some of the more common signs that your suspension system isn't working properly can help you figure out when you should have your suspension either repaired or completely replaced.


The first indication that will manifest if your car's suspension system is malfunctioning or damaged is a constant pulling to one side of the road. This means that your suspension is no longer able to keep your vehicle in alignment, which can place additional stress on the tires and the axles. However, before having a professional take a look at your suspension system, you should check the air pressure in your tires to make sure that it is at the recommended levels printed on the sidewall. If one tire is inflated more than the other, it can cause veering to occur even when the suspension is working just fine.

Rough Driving

Another easy-to-notice sign that your suspension system is not doing its job properly is if you find that driving has become much rougher, even while travelling over smoothly paved roads. A damaged suspension system will not be able to absorb the shock of travelling over pavement, which will cause every single crack and minor motion to jolt the entire car. This can be quite uncomfortable, and can also reduce how well you can control your vehicle, especially over rougher roads, due to heavy shaking, bumping and jolting.

Body Roll

The final sign of suspension damage that you should watch out for is if you notice that your vehicle is rolling significantly when you are braking or accelerating. This body roll will have your vehicle move forward significantly, or slide backwards to the same degree, and will also become apparent when you take corners. This is more than a minor annoyance, as increased body roll increases the amount of stress that your tires and other connected components are exposed to. It can be hard to determine if your vehicle is body rolling significantly while you are driving. Fortunately, you can test this while your vehicle is parked. Simply press down heavily on the hood with your hand. A well-functioning suspension system will allow the car to bounce back upwards, but will then stop moving very quickly. A malfunctioning suspension will cause your vehicle to bounce up and down for quite some time.

If you need an auto repair for your suspension system, contact a mechanic near you. 
